
We seek to keep you literally "updated" on movement in terms of truth and justice in the Middle East in general with a particular eye on Palestine. The links below will take you to various articles and websites that offer the perspective of leaders in the religious, NGO, and human rights communities. Additionally, Al-Bushra, ever vigilant, provides links to regular reporting as well as opinion pieces by journalists. The dates given here indicate when the link was posted; the most recent posting is at the top. Check the article itself for the date the information was released by the source.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Crisis in Gaza and the West Bank: Context and Action

A Public Forum Sponsored by the Coalition for Peace with Justice

Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, Raleigh, North Carolina

August 6, 2014

P.S. Please note I spoke incorrectly about Chomsky. I said he was against the right of return. I stand corrected. I apologize for my error.  --Rania Marsi

Dr. Rania Masri

Human Rights Activist and Environmentalist

University of Balamand, Environmental Sciences, Faculty Member

Has accepted a position at the American University in Beirut.

Environmental Justice, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Literature, Civic Engagement, Community Based Research, Community-Based Learning, Civil Society, Middle East Politics, Arab Gulf Politics, Islamism, State-society relations, Gender, Environmental Sustainability, Social Sciences, Public Policy, Human Resource Management, Environmental Science, Pedagogy, Lebanon, and Feminism

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