
We seek to keep you literally "updated" on movement in terms of truth and justice in the Middle East in general with a particular eye on Palestine. The links below will take you to various articles and websites that offer the perspective of leaders in the religious, NGO, and human rights communities. Additionally, Al-Bushra, ever vigilant, provides links to regular reporting as well as opinion pieces by journalists. The dates given here indicate when the link was posted; the most recent posting is at the top. Check the article itself for the date the information was released by the source.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Communiqué from the Heads of Christian Churches in Jerusalem

Source: http://gallery.mailchimp.com/c9c32f1679d067d8ca8107b9e/files/HoC_on_UN_General_Assembly_September_2011.pdf

Looking toward the upcoming Palestinian UN Statehood Bid, the Heads of Churches in Jerusalem released a statement last week.

We invite you to read the statement below:

Looking ahead to the upcoming General Assembly of the United Nations in this September 2011 and the bid for Palestinian statehood, the Heads of Christian Churches in Jerusalem feel the need to intensify the prayers and diplomatic efforts for peace between Palestinians and Israelis, see this as the most appropriate time for such an opportunity, and thus wish to reiterate the following principles upon which we agree:
  1. A two-state solution serves the cause of peace and justice.
  2. Israelis and Palestinians must live each in their own independent states with peace, security and justice, respecting human rights, according to international law.
  3. Negotiations are the best way to resolve all outstanding problems between the two sides.
  4. Palestinians and Israelis should exercise restraint, whatever the outcome of the vote at the United Nations.
  5. Jerusalem is a Holy City to the followers of all three Abrahamic faiths, in which all people should be able to live in peace and tranquility, a city to be shared by the two peoples and the three faiths.
Thus, we call upon decision makers and people of good will, to do their utmost to achieve the long awaited justice, peace and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians so that the prophecy of Prophet David is lived again:

"Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.” (Ps. 85: 10)

12 September 2011

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